Frequently Asked Question

Do you ship internationally? Do you do buy backs/decommissions internationally?

Últimas actualizaciones hace 7 años

Yes! We do buy and sell internationally, shipping through one of three major hubs in Houston, Amsterdam, or Hong Kong. There are a few exceptions. India and Brazil restrict importation of some types and quantities of products. Also, we cannot ship or trade with any embargoed countries or countries on denied entities lists according to section VIII of our terms and conditions.

VIII. Not for Export. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of Buyer to understand, verify and comply with all export and re-export requirements relevant to any Products purchased or received from ServerMonkey. Buyer agrees and confirms that Buyer shall not export or re-export, directly or indirectly, any Products, including any items incorporating such Products, to any country (including but not limited to, CUBA, LYBIA, IRAN, NORTH KOREA, SUDAN, SYRIA), destination, or individual (including those on the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security "EntityList" and other lists of denied parties) for which the U.S. Government or any agency thereof requires an export license or other approval for export or re-export, without first obtaining such license or approval. In addition, Products shall not be sold, leased, transferred to or used by an End User engaged in activities of mass destruction, or related to the design, development or use of nuclear materials, nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons, or chemical or biological weapons.

For more information on our terms and conditions, check out our terms and conditions page.

When in doubt, it is best to contact us directly with your order and destination details. You can reach our Customer Service team at 713-827-0791 or Toll-free at 1-855-893-1394 or via email at [email protected].
